BOF Regular Meeting

Event posted by
Board of Finance
1)     Call to order
2)     Seating of Alternates
3)     Agenda
4)     Public comment – Two minutes - those attending via Zoom please use the chat feature.
5)     Communications:
a)     Written
b)     Oral
6)     Reports:
a)     Secretary’s Report - August 14,2023 Regular Meeting
b)     Treasurer Report
c)      Tax Collectors Report
d)     Board of Education Report
e)      Selectmen’s Report
7) Old Business
8)     Suspense Items
9)     New Business
a)     Consider an appropriation of up to $10,000 from the Bridge Reserve account # 1702646689, to pay the final bill to Cardinal Engineering for the Cobble Road Culvert Project and recommend same to Town Meeting for approval.
10)  Any other business to properly come before the Board of Finance
11)  Adjournment
**** NOTICE: Items of an agenda under the heading of "New Business", “Suspense Items” or "Old Business" or added to an agenda of a Regular Meeting are subject to "action votes" on resolution.